How’s the documentary going?

I’ve been asked this a fair amount over the past year, and rightly so – we did say we were going to make one after all! The answer to the question though is not an easy one. 

When I got back from America my mental health suffered and things in my personal life became difficult. Katie too has had a very busy personal life and both of us found ourselves not able to give the documentary the time it deserves. This is not to say that we’re not going to create something however! It just might not be how we both envisioned it to be at the beginning – but that is often the case with many creative projects, especially ones like this!

Another thing that put the documentary on the back burner is that I very unexpectedly, and very luckily, found myself moving out of my parent’s house a few months ago!

With all this in mind I want to say that a documentary, or film, of my trip is going to get made; Katie and I just can’t put a timescale on it because we want it to be good for you all, and for ourselves. We don’t want to rush making it and be disappointed with what we’ve made. 

In the mean time, here’s a tiny teaser trailer we were able to create:

and if you have a spare 5 minutes we would really appreciate it if you could fill out this survey so we can get some statistics for the project.

Thank you all once again for your support in getting me to America… I have some of the best memories to look back on and for that I can never say thank you enough!

All the best to you for 2020! 🙂

Until next time, always be kind and live the best life you can ❤

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